Cooper Instruments & Systems has a long history of building custom test stands for our customers. In this section you will find some standard and custom designed products we now offer. While the FCM is a standard design with full specifications, the other systems you see listed are design concepts based on suggestions and application requirements received from our customers. Although we have not built all of the test stands listed, we want to provide some basic information regarding the scope of our ability to design a custom test stand that meets your needs.

Force Calibration Machine (FCM)

The Force Calibration Machine (FCM) is a precision instrument developed to be both low cost and configurable to a large range of force. While it was developed for drastically reducing compression calibration uncertainty without having to procure a universal testing machine, it also serves as an in-house quick check system for customers who need their force measurement devices quickly verified in between calibration cycles. It also allows for a customer to calibrate their compression force measurement device in a similar fashion to that in which it is being used, reducing setup uncertainty error by calibrating in a “real world” situation. Whether a customer would like to bring in-house calibration capabilities for their compression force measurement devices or just a quick check system, the FCM can be configured to meet the technical and budgetary requirements.
Want to learn more about the FCM? Cooper Instruments’ engineering team has prepared an article entitled “A force is a force of course . . . of course?” to provide more information.
Cooper Tensile Tester (CTT)

The Cooper Tensile Tester (CTT) is a customer driven testing system utilized for high load (20K+) applications. It was designed for the customer who requires testing samples in a manufacturing environment without the added worry of having a very precise tensile test machine located in a rough environment. While the system is precise and low feed rates are employed to achieve accurate results, it is a no-nonsense and direct approach to tensile testing which has resulted in a system that will meet the customer’s budget.
Torque & Thrust Test Stand (T&T)

The Thrust & Torque Test Stand (T&T) provides a means by which to apply a known thrust load to a test piece and rotate the test piece to determine a torque at a given load. It is configurable for both thrust and torque loads and provide for an inexpensive and versatile method of applying and tracking thrust and torque under static or dynamic conditions.